Mike Lake
Mike graduated in 1973 from Canterbury University BE (Hons) and followed up with a Mast
Mike graduated in 1973 from Canterbury University BE (Hons) and completed his Master's in Civil Engineering the following year. In 2009 he graduated again with a Post Graduate Certificate in Fire Engineering. By mid-1976 he became a Registered Engineer. As at 2017, he has 41 years experience as a Registered Engineer.
Over that time he has worked as a Project Manager and Fire Engineer, but has specialised in Structural Engineering. As a project manager he was involved with the Stage 1 (Kilns and Melters) of the Glenbrook Steel Mill, during which his company erected 22000 tonnes of structural steel and mechanical equipment. He also did several civil projects in Auckland including the completion of the ARC Bulkwater supply tunnel under Redoubt Road, two pipe bridges across the Tamaki River and the North Shore Sewage Treatment Plant extensions. In Indonesia he has worked on wharf extensions at Lhok Seumawe. He has worked for over 30 years on the design of structures including multi-storey buildings and large industrial facilities such as the Sunnyside Hospital Laundry Complex and Waitaki – New Zealand Refrigeration.
A career highlight was being appointed as Principal Consultant for the New Zealand Pavilion at The Seville Expo in 1992. The “temporary” pavilion was constructed in New Zealand and taken to Seville in containers where it was erected. It is still standing and was the third most successful pavilion at a cost of $8 million NZD. The adjacent British Pavilion cost 45 million British pounds!
Outside of business Mike is interested in golf, surfing and reading. He holidays in unfashionable Westport on the West Coast of the South Island.